And there comes love

Just when I had stopped believing in love,

You arrived out of nowhere, an entry unassuming and barely noticeable.

Your presence serene and lips twisted into a smile (or am I imagining it?),

as if laughing at my childish pessimism and needless lack of hope.

Don’t they say that good things come when he stop looking for them? So has it been true all along?

You spoke to me gently,

In words as caring and healing, as if uttered only to caress old, invisible wounds that I had never mentioned to a living soul.

You laughed at my jokes,

Even stale ones that you had heard a hundred times before.

But you made sure no one else could laugh at me or make me feel small in any way at all.

How did you know that I feel mocked at? Are you capable of reading thoughts or do I blabber in my sleep?

Are most other people similar or is it you who’s distinct from the rest?

Are you a blessing granted by the heavens, to soothe a bleeding heart?

Are you a benediction that shall stay or a fleeting joy that shall disappear as soon as I my wounds have healed?

I know I am selfish when I say this, but to let you go would be the biggest error of my life.

I will hold on to you, tight and forever, basking in the safety and warmth of your arms.

And if it’s my healing that must make you go away, I’d rather remain unhealed all my life.

Image taken from Google images

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